To create sculpture, paintings, all those images that come from a deep place in my mind I have to be All IN. I have to be totally connected to that moment with my brain not taking little trips outside that realm. I try to apply that to my life in general but find it difficult. I can be in the moment enough to notice body language, shifts in the mood in a gathering. I can be there with my grandson but then I do not want to miss a moment of him, he is such a fantastic teacher and my heart is all in for sure. It is another story when I am walking alone, watering the garden, a million repeat tasks. Those times should be perfect for communing with the moment, nature, the air I am sucking in. But no, I am lost in some past event or obscure conversation where I should have said this or that but did not. A total waste of the moment, my energy , what is left of my brain. I listened to an interview with Ellen Langer on a podcast from “On”, all about mindfullness and it brought that home to me once again. Must not waste myself on old conversations and general rubbish that pops up in my mind, except to think I wish I new how short life would be fifty years ago. ah well it might have driven me totally nuts then, some things are better fermented. work with what you have.