I bought a book by Ellen Langer, “Counter Clockwise” read it and now I am trying to change my mind. the book is about mindfullness, the concept that how we think is who we are not just mentally but physically. She writes about several studies about aging, how we think about it, how we treat ourselves and other people. The power of suggestion, treat someone like they are old and incompetent and pretty soon sure enough they will be. Got me thinking a lot that I am pushing my foot into the grave, thinking oh poor me is capable of less now. So I have decided to pretend I am twenty years younger. At first I thought it still important to be cautious, not hurt myself, not overdue it but that is what got me diggin this hole for myself in the first place. So what if I hurt myself, get overtired, get a muscle lockup, I have been there before and it did not kill me but all this cautious thinking just might and I fear it will be a slow sad death. I will let you know how it goes.